A86: Re: Re: More GrayScale Sprite Problem
A86: Re: Re: More GrayScale Sprite Problem
I still can't get GrayScale Sprites working. They show up cut off and in
b/w. Here's my defines;
AreaY = _textShadow ; [1] player's y coord
AreaX = _textShadow + 1 ; [1] player's x coord
video_ram = $fc00
GrayMem1 = $fc00
GrayMem2 = $fc00
VirtScr = $fc00
MapBuffer = $f600
And in my sprite loop I have this at the begining, but you should know since
you helped write it David ;)
ld hl,$f600 ; copy map (overwrite sprite)
ld de,$fc00
ld bc,1024
ld hl,cecil ;The loop that will draw the Guy on the screen
ld bc,(AreaY) ;C(AreaX) is oposite of B(AreaY)
call GraySpriteClip
>Hmm, I know the routines work. You sure your grayscale handler is
>between the two planes that the sprite routine is drawing to? I recommend
>moving the stack to $f700 ($f700-$f7ff), and using $f800 and $fc00 for your
>dark and light grayscale layers, respectively. Just remember to move the
>stack back to $fb00 ($fb00-$fbff) when you're done :)
>> I'm still trying to draw a grayscale sprite on the screen for my RPG,
>> can't. I used the built in grayscale sprite editor built into Asm Studio
>> (new ver). I call this routine GraySprite & it doesn't work & neither
>> GraySpriteClip. Here's my sprite;