A86: Re: Grayscale Sprites
A86: Re: Grayscale Sprites
Spooky's Asm ToolBox will create grayscale sprites for you, as will the
sprite editor in the new version of Assembly Studio 86 (site will be up
today sometime...Doghouse changed the locks on the doors and Matt didn't
feel like breaking in to reboot the server :)
> I'm working on an RPG for the Ti86. It will feature grayscale sprites,
> maps, and Joltima (FF) style fighting (insted of real-time). I have a
> moving engine done, maps done, sprites, and some other things. I need
> on grayscaling a sprite though. I have the routines to use a grayscale
> sprite, but i doin't know how to use it. I know i have to make (masked)
> sprite for dark blocks & one for light blocks, but how would it look in
> Here's the routines for sprite placement;