Re: A86: Contest II (MUL/DIV)...
Re: A86: Contest II (MUL/DIV)...
>I think he just means you have to use mnemonics rather than binary opcodes
>(does anyone actually USE binary opcodes?).
> > 5) NO OPCODES will be accepted. All commands
> > must be entered using
> > Mnemonics (e.g. LD A,B).
>>does anybody understand what he's talking about with this? "ld" IS >an
Yeah, of course. When accessing only one byte of the index registers, such
as y from iy, x from ix, you can achieve this by putting a binary opcode in
fron of ld a,l or something (see included in ASM Studio 86)
.db $FD \ ld a,l
Hope you understand! Furthermore, when using macros, in which there is a
'jr' instruction:
#define put_gcp1 .db $28,$03 \ or (hl) \ ld (hl),a
This will only do 'or (hl)', if the zero flag is cleared!
And much more could be done with binary opcodes! For example when coding
something you could use binary opcodes so nobody understands some parts of
your code. Like this you can possibly avoid assholes who just rip everything
from your code and use it in their own...
See ya,
Michael Kristiansen
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