A86: Re: equate problem
A86: Re: equate problem
Sure. You store it in the program using a '.db' and write the program back.
If you just need one byte and aren't going to release it, you can be pretty
safe by throwing it in one of the _alt_ecec spaces. I don't think anyone
has ever (or will ever) write an _alt_slink program.
So you could probably do a 'equate = _alt_slink_exec+199' and be safe.
They're 200 bytes each, so use space at the end. But if everyone gets that
Writeback is much safer and the prefered method:
ld hl,ProgName ; point to program name
rst 20h ; load into OP1 with _MOV10TOOP1
rst 10h ; find it with _FINDSYM
ex de,hl ; point to start of variable
ld a,b ; get top of absolute pointer
ld de,SettingData-$d748+4 ; relative offset - 4
add hl,de ; form pointer to var
adc a,0 ; add carry
ld de,SettingData ; point to data in _asm_exec_ram
ld b,SettingDataEnd-SettingData ; copy entire length of SettingData
call _getb_ahl ; convert abs pointer
ld a,(de) ; read value
ld (hl),a ; save new value to variable
call _inc_ptr_ahl ; move to next destination byte
djnz SaveSettingsL ; loop for all bytes
.db $12,7,"program" ; 7 is the length of the name
.db "This will be written back.",0
> I was wondering if there was a place to store an equate where it cannot be
> changed by another program,
> >Example
> in the program it checks for certian conditions where the equate is
> to z,nz,or m. Then it uses the number in the equate to decide where the
> program will jump to (shown here)
> equate equ $8534
> ld a,(equate)
> or a
> jp z,firstjump ;since the program is on its first run,
> jp nz,secondjump ;it will jump to firstjump since the equate is 0
> jp m,lastjump ;but later in the prog the user can change it
> to
> ;a diffrent number,, changing the
> of the ;program.
> But the problem is that certain programs change the equates to zero, and
> route set by the user is changed. Does anyone have any idea on to solve
> this problem??
> Thanks
> -chris manning
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