Re: A86: accessing video mem and strings during an interupt
Re: A86: accessing video mem and strings during an interupt
In a message dated 7/5/99 10:29:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> i have a string on my calc called "data" it is 1024 bytes. it contains a
> picture i want to display as a background
> this is my code
> it is the same interupt template that david phillips posted a while ago
> the template works the problem is at the InsStart label
> #include ""
> .org _asm_exec_ram
> InstallInt:
> ld hl,IntHandler
> ld de,_alt_interrupt_exec
> push de
> ld bc,IntEnd-IntStart
> ldir
> ld de,$28
> pop hl
> ld a,(hl)
> dec hl
> push hl
> ld b,5
> CalcChecksum:
> add hl,de
> add a,(hl)
> djnz CalcChecksum
> pop hl
> ld (hl),a
> set alt_int,(iy+exceptionflg)
> ret
> IntHandler:
> .org _alt_interrupt_exec
> IntStart:
> ld a,(counter)
> cp 100
> jp z,showtime
> inc a
> ld (counter),a
> ret
this ret is the problem, though this whole routine is quite inefficient.
assuming the point of this is a delay, here's a working version:
ld b,200
djnz IntLoop
> showtime:
> xor a
> ld (counter),a
> ld hl,varname-1
> rst 20h
> rst 10h
> ret c
> ld a,b
> ex de,hl
right here, you have ahl pointing to the start of this string. however,
you've forgotten that the first 2 bytes are the size bytes. so, adding in
call _ahl_plus_2_pg3
will point ahl to the first byte in the actual string data.
> xor a
> ld hl,$fc00
> xor a
> ld hl,1024
> call _mm_ldir
> ret
this will work, but you could just as easily do:
jp _mm_ldir
instead of:
call _mm_ldir
> varname:
> .db 4,"data"
you can probably just take out counter.
> counter:
> .db 0
> IntEnd: