Re: A86: Question on tile maps
Re: A86: Question on tile maps
At 23:44 1999-01-27 -0600, you wrote:
>>Also, the sprite routine doesn't get that much slower...
>Gosh, I hate to disagree with Jimmy Mardell, but I do. For a masked sprite
>routine, there just aren't enough registers to shift both mask bytes, both
>sprite bytes and both background bytes in one loop. To shift the background
>bytes back into a single sprite would require adding a second re-shift loop
>to the routine. It would also require another pointer like IY, though that
>wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Hehe... you don't necessarily have to shift back the bits; you could read
16 bits in each row and then just put those out again (using a special,
16-bit aligned sprite routine).
This discussion is running out of topic so I propose EOD.
//Jimmy Mårdell