A86: Re: Displaying a variable
A86: Re: Displaying a variable
hey, nevermind that last message, I got it. it was kind of dumb, all i did
was change the _vputs to a _puts and it worked. the only thing now is that
when my hl prints i get a little ASCII looking "b" in front of it. what do i
do know?
ld hl,MyVar
inc (hl)
call _ldhlind
call DisplayHL
; DisplayHL: (idea from SCaBBy/Mardell) [Assembly Coder's Zenith]
; Display HL as a 5-digit decimal number with no leading zeros
; out: AF, HL, BC, DE destroyed
ld c,'0' ; save ascii value for zero
ld de,_OP1+5 ; point to end of the buffer
xor a ; zero terminate string
ld (de),a ; set last byte to zero
call UNPACK_HL ; next digit
dec de ; next position
add a,c ; convert to ascii
ld (de),a ; save digit
ld a,h ; load upper byte
or l ; check with lower byte for zero
jr nz,DisplayHLl ; loop
ex de,hl ; point to buffer
call _vputs ; print number
ret ; we're done