Re: A86: Re: Thanks for the help everyone


Re: A86: Re: Thanks for the help everyone

anything bigger than 3 would work.

actually, if you wanted to get sneaky, you could have a board for each
player and use one bit per cell.  that way you could squeaze the whole
thing into 3 or 4 bytes and check like
	ld a,(x_board)
	and $07	;make things easier 0=x, 1=empty
	jr z,win	
but i doubt anyone would bother with that


On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 00:14:39 -0800 "Akshay Dhalwala" <>
>i had made a vb version of tic tac toe, and used the same method.  
>but, i
>used 1 for x, and 2 for o.  if you do that, when you try to check a 
>row with
>only an x and an o, it will say that x wins because 1+2=3.  An easy 
>way to
>solve this is to make o higher, in my vb version, i made it 5, and it 
>if you want, i'll email what i did for vb.

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