Re: A86: _getkey


Re: A86: _getkey

i see.  _getcode just reads the scancode from _kbdScanCode and clears it.
i think the values would be something like

MORE = 6*8+7
EXIT = 6*8+6
DEL = 3*8+7

(table from 86ports.txt.  don't ask where i got it...)
         7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0     
    6  [ MORE  EXIT  2nd   F1    F2    F3    F4    F5   ]
    5  [ ALPHA GRAPH LOG   LN    x^2   ,     STO   --   ]
    4  [ x-var TABLE SIN   EE    7     4     1     0    ]
    3  [ DEL   PRGM  COS   (     8     5     2     .    ]
    2  [ --   CUSTOM TAN   )     9     6     3     (-)  ]
    1  [ --   CLEAR  ^     /     *     -     +    ENTER ]
    0  [ --    --    --    --    UP    RIGHT LEFT DOWN  ]

which looks a lot like the K_... ones, but if they didn't work, i guess
they're not


On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 21:03:48 EST writes:
>_getcode, or (_getcode		equ		$4068) is 
>used in Mini Shell Enhanced.  I found
>it in the code for the shell and decided to try it.  It works pretty 
>anyway I looked in the include files and found those calls.  
>>the K_EXIT,etc. for _getky or GET_KEY (in asm86.h)
>>the kExit,etc. for _getkey (look in
>>as for _getcode, i've never seen it before

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