Re: A86: _puts
Re: A86: _puts
load the position into hl, then to pencol: (for _vputs)
ld hl,$0201
ld (_penCol),hl
would start at pixel (2,1)
for _puts, use _curRow and swap row&col:
ld hl,$0102
ld (_curRow),hl
starts in char cell (2,1)
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 19:39:32 EST writes:
>ok, I want to print a string to the screen but it is in 3 different
>the first is the title of the screen, the second is a variable(which
>is in
>this case is a number), and more text. but on the screen, I want it
>to appear
>like this:
> High Scores
> ==========
> 50 levels completed
> 42 levels completed
> 37 levels completed
> etc.
>how would I do this. would I have to load a number into a, then load
>a into
>(_pencol) or (_penrow)?
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