Re: A86: Graph Screen


Re: A86: Graph Screen

	ld a,$11
	ld (_ASAP_IND),a
	call _exec_pg4

this doesn't clear $fc00, only _plotSScreen
you could also:
	ld hl,_plotSScreen
	ld de,_plotSScreen+1
	ld bc,$0bff
	ld (hl),0


On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 10:40:11 -0500 writes:
> Stupid question: How do I clear the graph screen in asm (ClrDrw in 
>basic)?  I am using the _ILine function to draw a border arround the
>screen, but I have to clear the screen manually before I run the prog. 
>Thanks for your help (again!!!)
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