A86: Radio Link (more)


A86: Radio Link (more)

I went into #electronics on IRC and gathered some rough info about the
possible Radio Link.  According to the person I talked to, here are the
following specs of a Radio Link that could be easily built by someone who
knows what they're doing.  I asked if the she would build it for pay, but
the she was too busy to do a task that wouldn't pay so much.  I have the IRC
logfile of the conversation describing how it would all work in case anyone
wants it.

Our Radio Link (this is actually a digital radio link and not analog) --

1) AM transmission at 50mhz or 75mhz
2) SSB encoder to reduce transmission size
3) Binary logic converter (i think this has something to do with
4) 9V battery
5) the rest of the components to make it work.  I am no electronics man. =)

would give us the following features --

- 2 mile range (at the very least.  increase of power could get us 5 miles)
- legal!  no license needed at the 2 frequencies (FCC rules)
- 9600bps transfer rate
- the 9v should run it for a few hours
- very small.  like IR link small.  put it in your pocket.
- cost should be around $30
- would plug into the linkport.  no graphlink required

Ok, people.  Build it!  I'll talk to some of my electronic freak friends.

-Justin Karneges [Infiniti]