Re: A86: Re: TI-UX
Re: A86: Re: TI-UX
Why do you need something as complex as Unix on a GRAPHING CALCULATOR?
all you really need is a simple interface and current shells work fine.
Also, why network on your little 6-mhz z80 when you have a 200-mhz pentium
right in front of you?
<< My question to anyone wanting to do TI-UX is WHY? Why do you need Unix on
your calculator? I know I'm not a big Unix buff, but let's look at the
basic things a Unix-type OS does for you:
* provide an interface to run and manage programs and files
* provide security for multiple users
* provide software for networking, including over the internet
1) The TI-OS is perfectly capable of running and managing your variables.
If need/want something even easier "Asm(program" or 2nd-Mem, then use one of
the many shells available.
2) Multiple are not going to be using a single calc, so security is not much
of an issue. If you are worried about others deleting or reseting your
calc, then there are plenty of programs (including Rascall) that will
password protect your calc and/or protect the memory.
3) I don't seem much networking going on with graphing calculators. The
only kind of networking that would need something like this is what Justin
mentioned, and in that case all that would be needed would be a good
terminal program. >>