A86: Radio Link
A86: Radio Link
>While that would be really great, I don't see why it is a reason not
>to do a TI-UX as well. While the full unix OS is surly too much for
>the calculator to handle, there are certainly peices that we should be
>able to implement quite nicely on the calc, and it should be a good
>challenge to do so.
Very true. Any addition to the calculator is always a good thing. Because
of the possible limitations of the Radio Link, the TI-UX should be written
as well. I guess I should have said, "If people are willing to write unix
for a calculator, can someone at least make a radio link?" because I really
want one!
So here's a new thread called Radio Link. I hope there is at least someone
out there with some electronics knowledge. I'm currently taking my first
electronics course right now, but so far I don't know a whole lot and
probably won't be able to make anything cool like a Radio Link for awhile.
Anyways, the Radio Link needs to be built. Wireless transmission brings the
calculator to a very powerful level. The modem/cellphone combo is very
costly for a student (or for anyone for that matter. i mean, we could use
the same radio link on a laptop if we wanted) and the IR link, while very
cool indeed, can't get around a wall. The IR link suits the purposes of
gamers who want an easier way to play, but will just not do when it comes to
internet access or long distance wireless communication.
The Radio Link would probably the most useful device that has ever been
built for a calculator and would change the way we use are calculators more
than anything else. We can discuss protocols later (although straight
telnet right now can already be done), but for now we first need the Radio
Let's here some ideas.
-Justin Karneges [Infiniti]