Re: A86: getting op1 into a and more
Re: A86: getting op1 into a and more
_sto equ $4cbf
_rcl equ $4ce7
to store to a variable:
rst $18 ;push op1 to fps
ld hl,varname-1
rst $20 ;load var name to op1
call _sto ;store it
to recall from a variable:
ld hl,varname-1
rst $20 ;load var name to op1
call _rcl
On Thu, 14 Jan 1999 09:31:18 EST writes:
>First, how do I use an on-calc variable in my program? Second how do
>I get
>OP1 into a. Third how do I get a into the on-calc variable? I don't
>mean a
>.db variable, I mean a variable that will stay on the calc after the
>prog is
>done running...
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