Re: A86: >Frac (Yes this has to do with assembly)
Re: A86: >Frac (Yes this has to do with assembly)
probly op3. of course, you can't get at that from basic, which is one of
the many reasons people write stuff in asm
On Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:47:21 EST writes:
>Hi there. I have a question about the >Frac command in BASIC. Does
>know where that is stored to after it is run. You can't do any
>commands like
>Outpt(1,1,A>Frac or anything like that. You can't decide where it
>will go on
>the screen. It just displays one row down from the command and on the
>right. I beleive that answer has to be stored to somewhere. It's not
>stored to Ans.
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