A86: Re: 3 questions
A86: Re: 3 questions
1) Is there any way for me to have the calculator evalute an
equation from assembler? maybe like a rom call or an exec_pg?
2) Is there an easy way to convert a string to a real? a rom call?
_formreal does that, if I remember correctly
I've attached the new ACZ include files: ram86.h (actually from Pat),
rom86.h (all rom calls), asm86.h (flags, key equates, etc). Also is CLEM's
hacks of sqrtEXEC (run every time a mathematical statement is evaluated) and
sqrtFORM (run every call to _disp_op1).
3) also one more question, I have a question about the Floating
Point Stack. How do I know when the FPS is empty?
there's probably a ROM call, but you can just load _fps whatever from RAM
and check if it's the abs equivalent of $8000. why would you want to do
that though?
thanks in advance for any answers.
Keith Batten
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