Re: A86: Scrolling starfield question


Re: A86: Scrolling starfield question

parallax scrolling is where the stuff closer to you moves faster than the
stuff further away.
yes, vertical scrolling is easier than horizontal scrolling, at least
scrolling by 1 pixel it is.
to scroll left, you have to do something like:

hl->last byte in row
 ld b,16
 or a
 rl (hl)
 dec hl
 djnz loop

(not tested or thoroughly thought through)


On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 17:38:26 -0800 "Akshay Dhalwala" <>
>cool, also, i have a couple of more questions.
>what is parallax scrolling?
>also, would vertical be easier?
>and, when you scroll the screen left, how do would you shift the 
>screen left
>by 1 pixel vertical row?  if i remember, when you scroll vertically, 
>shift the video memory (i think, i'm not sure, it might be different), 
>would you do it horizontally?
>akshay dhalwala
>>That would work as long as you aren't interested in parallax 
>>You could also just redraw them all every time, but that would only 
>>useful if you had a small number of stars.
>>Aaron Curtis
>>> Akshay Dhalwala wrote:
>>> i was wondering, how would you implement a scrolling starfield?  
>>> way i think of it, you would first plot random pixels on the 
>>> and then scroll the screen left 1 pixel at a time, and after each
>>> scroll, plot a new vertical line of random pixels.  Is that the 
>>> thanks
>>> Akshay Dhalwala

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