Re: A86: Re: Unused data in MS byte of argument
Re: A86: Re: Unused data in MS byte of argument
In a message dated 01/05/99 5:52:05 PM, writes:
>not to be offensive or anything, but that's wrong. the compiler can convert
>base 10 to binary quite easily. anyway, i already said in another e-mail
>that it's because the data is too large to fit in a byte
Hmm, actually, each comma is what lets the compiler know its the next byte and
I dont really see what youre talking about. Although, I've had this error
message before when I had a string that was too long for some reason, for
.db "This is a very long string that TASM can't handle",0
and it worked for some reason by splitting up the string like so...
.db "This is a very long string "
.db "that TASM can't handle",0
I dunno why, just trying moving some of your data to the next line with
another ".db" and that should work... =P
--Jason K.