Re: A86: Cleared Screen with Text


Re: A86: Cleared Screen with Text

In a message dated 01-04-99 12:06:43 EST, Jeanne9005 writes:

> I have a code that displays text on the screen, then waits for a keypress to
> go do something.  But while it waits on the keypress, the 1-7 rows go blank.
> Is there something I need to change?  This is just a test program right now,
> so don't ask why there is nothing with some of the labels.  Here's the code

The lines aren't going blank - they simply aren't being displayed.  There are
two basic ways to solve it:
1.  Remove the 0's from all but the last string.  This will work but it may be
difficult to get them all on different lines.
2.  Put the _puts call in a loop. Here's one way that should do it:

ld b,7
call _puts
call _newline
djnz DispStr

Also, you will need to put a jp at the end of the keyloops to go back to the
_getkey call if a key other than 1-5 is pressed.
