Re: A86: Re: Sprites (More)
Re: A86: Re: Sprites (More)
I understand what sprite masking does and is, but how do I use it in code?
Nat Sith
>>More questions.
>> 1) What is the advantage to using masked sprites or vice versa?
>With sprite masking, you can make part of a sprite transparent, so that the
>background behind that pixel isn't erased.
>> 2) What is the difference in the PutSprite routines? I have seen them
>>and XOR'd, but I guess I don't understand the difference.
>XOR'ing is usually the best way to go. It will clear a pixel if there is
>already a pixel set where another set pixel is being XOR'ed to. Like:
> ld bc,0101
> ld hl,sprite
> call _PutSprite_that_uses_xor
> ;sprite is now pasted to the screen
> call _PutSprite_that_uses_xor
> ;sprite has now been erased from the screen
>Hope this helps some,
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