A86: horiz/vert line routine
A86: horiz/vert line routine
could somebody please critique this code and help me optimize the horiz/vert
code? also, could you recomend how i might put the line drawing info into a
variable to make it less cluttered. if you want to run this code and see
what im looking for, just
compile it in asm studio 3.0. it works and wont crash.
thanx in advance
John A. Kemp, Jr.
#include "asm86.h"
#include "ti86asm.inc"
.org _asm_exec_ram
call _clrLCD ;clear the screen!
call _runindicoff ;turn indicator off
ld bc,$0110 ;$01=#lines down, $10=#bytes across
ld hl,$FC00 ;this is the first spot we want to write to
call Horizline ;draw horizontal line at FC00
ld b,1
ld hl,$FFB0
call Horizline
ld b,1
ld hl,$FF30
call Horizline
ld a,%10000000
ld b,64
ld hl,$FC00
call Vertline
ld a,%00000001
ld b,64
ld hl,$FC0F
call Vertline
ld hl,$0000 ;clear hl
ld bc,$3402 ;location of cursor: b=34 c=02
ld (_penCol),bc ;put cursor location into mem
ld hl,String ;load text into hl
call _vputs ;this is a variable-width put string
call GET_KEY
ret z
jr loop
; Horizontal Line
; hl - address in video mem
; c - width
; b - Counter, height
ld a,%11111111 ;load --------- into a
push bc ;save the counter of lines
ld b,c ;make a new counter of bytes in the line (16)
ld (hl),a ;put the bitmap in
inc hl ;increment to the next byte on screen
djnz HL_loop ;and jump back until line is finished
pop bc ;get the old counter back
djnz Horizline ;and keep going until all seven lines done
; Vertical Line
; hl - address in video mem
; b - Counter for Height
; de - destroys
push bc ;save the counter of lines
ld b,1 ;make a new counter of bytes in the line (1)
ld de,$0010
push de
ld d,a
or (hl)
ld (hl),a ;put the bitmap in
ld a,d
pop de
add hl,de ;increment to the next byte on screen
djnz VL_loop ;and jump back until line is finished
pop bc ;get the old counter back
djnz Vertline ;and keep going until all seven lines done
.db "x^2+6=0",0