Re: A86: Re: New operating system...
Re: A86: Re: New operating system...
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999 17:36:47 PST "David West" <>
>>if you don't load it to a specific place, the program loader
>>runs the programs) would have to patch up every jp and call in the
>>program. well, i guess you could force the program itself to do that
>(i think that's how zshell worked), but that makes it too slow.
>just Load it once and do all the patch work when you load it into ram
>the first time. Then afterwords, you don't have to worry about this
yeah, i guess. you'd have to unpatch it if you wanted to transfer to
another calc, but i guess you'd have to anyway
>>it's possible to run programs up to ~30k without replacing the os.
>>written a nearly complete program loader for that.
>How did you accomplish this?? did you save away system stuff?? ~30K
>Plus if you save away this system, stuff, does it end up crippling the
>OS in anyway, that would not normally happen? for example, does it
>you from being able to read and write to variable space, etc??
save $c000-$d748 in a temp var, should save fps&ops (that's why it was
only NEARLY complete)
you can't use floating point or ti's interrupts, only simple things. you
can access the vat yourself. i had a simple routine to do multipage ram
copies using the rom swap area, so you can access variables with that.
oh, you couldn't delete variables, but that could be fixed.
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