Re: A86: Re: New operating system...
Re: A86: Re: New operating system...
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999 13:41:12 -0600 "David Phillips" <>
>everything would be left intact. Actually, now that I think about it,
>pages would be required, because the OS uses the fps stack on page
>1--how'd the 85 get around that???
that's at most about 40 or 50 bytes when an asm program is running,
including the op stack
you'd probly only need one page, but you'd most likely have to rebuild
the vat if you wanted to return to ti's os. keeping the vat valid would
be hell
>It would also handle power on/off along with APD (while inside the
>as using the normal methods for power off would disrupt the shell.
>The stack should start at $ffff and video memory would start somewhere
>$f000. This would place the stack at the most convient location, and
>video memory goes isn't important, because it will probably be moved
if you're gonna rewrite the interrupt routine (you'd have to), why not
add built-in grayscale?
>The OS should include certain things like block write-back, where a
>would set a flag and set two address for the start and ending write
>locations. With this method, a program could have a block with high
>and other settings, and only that block would be written back (thus
>forcing write-back, allowing most of the program's code to be self
>yet very easily allowing high scores). It could also be made a call
>of a feature used on program exit.
great idea!
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