A86: Re: New operating system...


A86: Re: New operating system...

That IS a good idea, and I have _thought_ about it.  But since the OS is
contained in ROM, how do you propose to put a new OS on the calculator?

That memory thing does annoy me too.  Why couldn't they have flipped the two
ram page areas ($8000 and $c000)?  IMHO, page F should be stored at $8000
with the system vars first, with ram page 1 at $c000.  When an asm program
is loaded, video memory should be swapped to $fc00 and the stack right below
that, thus giving asm programs ~30k of contiguous ram.  Of course, this is
all hindsight...

>     I am a curious about something.  Who else in the ti-86 community is
>tired of having to put up with the TI-OS.  In fact I wonder how many
>people have even thought of programming for an OS other than the built
