Re: A86: Re: AOL Users or non.
Re: A86: Re: AOL Users or non.
>if your on irc people can get your ip address, then they can nuke you or do
>whatever they want to do to you....
On IRC, about the only thing that anyone can get from you is your IP
address. That's all they can get unless you give them more info yourself.
And it's VERY easy to get an IP address, not just with IRC. Everytime you
connect to another computer, the host will know your IP address. You'd have
to live in a box for your IP address to not be exposed. IRC is really not
the culprit here. You can get someone's IP quite easily through ICQ, IM, or
a browser (and even this mailing list). And don't even say "Just click
'hide-IP' in ICQ". That may prevent the *program* from showing you the IP,
but if someone connects to you or you connect to them, your computer has
their IP. You just have to know where to look =).
As for nuking, etc... people should not be worried about others having
their IP address. AOL cycling IPs for safety? GAY! That's even worse
than the typical ISP dynamic IP address everytime you log on. What rocks
more than anything is having a static IP. To host a site of any kind, a
static IP is the way to go if you want to avoid redirection and other crap.
Do you know you can get sony's IP address by pinging Do you
you know that you can't do squat to them? If you are worried about someone
getting your IP, then get a real OS or patch your already crappy one. If
you're going to use the internet, then get used to letting people have your
IP. It's a fact of life. It's not meant to be hidden anyway.
If this came out bad, it's because it's too early to be reading a TI list
-Justin Karneges [Infiniti]
(Spoofing you say? Ok, I'll say this: "Crap router. Just wait till your
ISP upgrades.")