A86: Re: Completely Off Topic
A86: Re: Completely Off Topic
hehe, to end this offtopic before it begins, goto www.htmlgoodies.com -
it'll tell you evertyhing from frames to directx apps.
Ahmed El-Helw <ahmed@ticalc.org>
Program Ideas and Upcoming Programs
the ticalc.org project - http://www.ticalc.org/
ICQ: 3350394
----- Original Message -----
From: <Jeanne9005@aol.com>
To: <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Friday, February 05, 1999 12:39 PM
Subject: A86: Completely Off Topic
>For lack of a better place to ask this, How do I create a frame in an HTML
>file? Sorry for the off-topicedness. Thanks
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