Re: A86: Z80 and Visual C++
Re: A86: Z80 and Visual C++
Visual C++ isn't actually a visual environment, like Visual BASIC;
rather, it's a glorified text editor, that supports all types of file
(C++, HTML, plain text, x86 assembly, icons, cursors, you name it!), and
I had heard of people using it to make Z80 assembly, too.
On Thu, 04 Feb 1999 08:49:22 PST "Retupmoc 7" <>
>You heard wrong. Though there is a small C port... but it wouldn't
>much sense to use a Visual language for a graphing calculator.
>Hmm... then again... ooo I can see it now. A drag-and-drop
>we could just draw our programs... hm...
>Ok... enough of the mocking.
>Sorry man, no such thing.
>----Original Message Follows----
>I have heard of people writing Z80 assembly with Visual C++. Is it
>or are those just stupid rumors? If it is possible, how?
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