Re: A86: Moo ichi doo, oo neegaitimasu!


Re: A86: Moo ichi doo, oo neegaitimasu!

ok to make a string using the newest version of asm
studio all you have to do is go to the "Tools" menu go
to "Options" then choose the "Assembly" tab and choose
the string option
then compile your data and send it to your calc.

here is how you would access it.
first you need a place to store it (the graph mem if
its under (1024 bytes) ask david because i think he
said its easy to use 24k in a row. 
varname = $-1
 .db 4,"PROG" ;length then name
 ld hl,varname
 rst 20h ;same as call _MOV10TOOP1
 rst 10h ;same as call _findsym
 jp c,VarIsNotOnCalc
 ;here is the output from findsym
;taken from the asm studio help file
Output	If var exists, Carry Flag = 0, else Carry Flag
A = data type and flags
OP1 = variable format (with type)
BDE = pointer to variable data (absolute)
HL = address of symbol table entry

now all you have to do is use the absolute addressing
the first 3 use AHL as a 24 bit pointer
you set the source,dest,and number of bytes
then call a _mm_ldir
hope that helps

look in the help file 

--- wrote:
> That's Japanese (maybe not _correct_ Japanese) for
> "Once more, please."
> What I need is for someone to tell me again how to
> use Assembly Studio 86 to 
> make the "code" string of a program and the "data"
> string... and how to send 
> them to the calc. (You know, so you have one string
> with the program code and 
> another with the data).
> If ya'll could do that I'd be really appreciative. 
> Also, if you guys could 
> tell me how to access the string from the program
> when it is _on_ the 
> calculator I'd be even more indebted. Thanks.
> -Josh Morris, Macross Software

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