Re: A86: 5MHz
Re: A86: 5MHz
i ran this code and could see a few distinct bars
across the screen
and when you hold 1 key down the screen goes black
then fades to white from left to right
kinda wierd
but if you hold down 2 keys it goes back to full speed
ld bc,10000
push bc
call SetBlack
call SetBlack
call SetWhite
call SetWhite
pop bc
dec bc
ld a,b
or c
jp nz,loop
jp _clrScrn
ld hl,$fc00
ld de,$fc01
ld bc,$3ff
ld (hl),$ff
ld hl,$fc00
ld de,$fc01
ld bc,$3ff
ld (hl),0
> If you do that, you would expect a nice shade of
> gray. But what actually
> happens is that the screen turns white, and it
> actually seems to build up
> energy or something, because when you exit from a
> long loop of doing
> AABBAABB... you get a really weird plasma-style
> effect on your LCD =/
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