A86: Replacement OS
A86: Replacement OS
Please read the attachement and send me some comments on this idea
It has to do with writing a replacement OS for the 86 (as should be
obvious from the subject or this email)
Programming/Gaming Interface for the TI-86
This is a replacement operation system for the TI-86, which would attempt to give the
programmer more space for standard programs, as well at a ton of data space. Math would
be pretty much extinguished, so don't count on it being easy to get used to...
Some basic information (proposed):
[RAM page 0]
Operating System Data = $C000 - $C7FF (2kb for ops, shadow regs and things of that nature)
Operating System Calls = $C800 - $E7FF (~8kb for os calls (findpixel, putsprite, _puts etc)
Variable Table = $E800 - Stack End (approx 4kb for 256 variables)
Stack = $FBFF (going up) (approx 1kb)
Video memory 1 = $FC00 - $FFFF
[RAM page 1] (to be loaded into port 5)
_asm_exec_ram (place of execution) = $4000 - $7FFF
[RAM page 2] (to be loaded into port 6)
extended execution area if needed = $8000 - $BFFF (16kb)
[RAM page 3 - 7]
Standard variable data
Total of 96kb user available memory (same as current TI-86 memory).
~6 - 12kb of this could be used to save the current system into a string, so the new OS could
be exited back to the TI-OS.
This takes the execution area to 32kb of continuous usable space at one time w/o
any page swapping.
ROM calls that would need to be replaced are numerous:
(obviously only a partial list)
_putx and _vputx
_clrScrn and _clrLCD (could be same call actually)
_HtimesL (_MUL_HL)
_OPx moving routines
_get_word_de (there's anoter name for this i think)
all abs address data moving routines (or at least the usefull ones)