Re: A86: 5MHz
Re: A86: 5MHz
As I've said quite a few times already, this could mean that the calculator
has DMA. If that DMA is software accessible, that's a good thing =P I don't
care if the processor runs slow or if the screen doesn't refresh every other
interrupt, those are just indicators...
Although it still seems that the screen refreshes not quite very other
interrupt, because if you fill video buffer A with black and video buffer B
with white and switch them in an interrupt like this:
If you do that, you would expect a nice shade of gray. But what actually
happens is that the screen turns white, and it actually seems to build up
energy or something, because when you exit from a long loop of doing
AABBAABB... you get a really weird plasma-style effect on your LCD =/
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: A86: 5MHz
> This is a good discussion, and I do like reading it, but I don't really
see a
> point in figuring the exact Mhz the Z80 processor and why it does not run
> 6Mhz as claimed by TI. But continue on, I wish to find out why :)