Re: A86: 5MHz


Re: A86: 5MHz

Actually, with brand spankin' new batteries, you can clearly view the stuff
on the lcd at contrast level 0.  Yeah, I know there are multiple 'shades'
inside each contrast level; I mean the lowest one possible.  I just put in
fresh batteries today and contrast level 2 is completely fine...

>Well, if you enable the interrupt, it seems to take only about a second
>longer (even less than that). So basically, Z80 seems to run same speed
>interrupts or not... In response to battery voltage, the contrast level was
>3, which I think is pretty low... if anyone with a (reasonably viewable)
>contrast level of 2 can test it, that'd be cool to see, but based on
>interpolation, even a contrast level of 0 would run at only ~5.5 MHz.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 4:40 PM
>Subject: Re: A86: 5MHz
>> Perhaps the Z80 is slower with interrupts disabled???  Try installing an
>IM 2
>> interrupt handler which does nothing, and see if the same results
>> JayEll
