Re: A86: [OT] Chess algorithm


Re: A86: [OT] Chess algorithm

Read my other email about this.

What everyone who says this needs to realize, is that this stuff has been
said and done on machines with much less CPU power and RAM than the 86, and
even before some of you were born.  Anyone heard of the Apple II, C64 or
TRS80?  These are very old computer systems, and I'm sure they had chess
programs.  There was Chessmaster (I believe, or another similiar chess game
that I played) for the NES, and that uses a 6502, with similiar memory setup
to the gameboy or 86.  Now, a 6502 is a very different CPU, with only three
8-bit registers (and an 8-bit stack pointer!) and quite powerful memory
addressing modes (beats the crap out of the Z80 in that department), though
it's no 68k or x86.  And it could run chess games.

Think before you speak :)

> Frankly, i doubt the 86 has the horsepower for a good chess ai. Chess is a
> complex game, and it takes a lot of memory, a lot of processing time, and
> lot of math for a computer to dicide on a move. I doubt it is possible to
> make ai for anything more complex than checkers on the 86 that can offer a
> chellenge for most players. Sorry, dont mean to discourage you, but your
> against more than you may realize.
> Jeff Barrett
