Re: A86: [OT] Chess algorithm
Re: A86: [OT] Chess algorithm
At 15:03 1999-12-26 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how computer chess programs decide which peice to move? If
>not, can you point me to a place where I could find out?
Contains LOTS of techniques: Alpha-beta pruning, Iterative deepening,
Killer moves,
The horizon effect, Null moves as well as complete source code listenings.
A well written chess program for the TI-86 should be able to beat
beginners and poor club players without having to think very long. Chessmaster
for the GB (which has a 4 MHz severely reduced Z80 CPU and very little
RAM memory) ain't that bad. And I'm sure it can be done a lot better...
A chess program doesn't require much RAM memory in the opening or
the middlegame, but in the endgame extra RAM makes the program
significantly better (by using hash tables).
Jimmy Mårdell "God made machine language; all the rest is the work of man."