A86: Mem and _createreal


A86: Mem and _createreal

I'm trying to make a real called mem and store the free ram in it, but I'm
having trouble with _createreal.  I know I have to load the name of the real
into OP1 in variable name format, but it isn't working.  Here's the code
I've tried:

.org _asm_exec_ram

	ld hl,NM
	call _mov10toop1
	call _createreal		;Hopefully will make "mem"

;I suspect I'm doing something seriously wrong . . . I don't really know if
I should be using .db or what

	call _memchk		;Puts free ram in ahl


	.db "A3MEM"		;In asm studio it says the first byte doesn't matter when
creating but the second is the length of the name


	Also, once I have made the variable, how can I move the memory into it?


