A86: TI8x Basic Compiler


A86: TI8x Basic Compiler

Taken from TI8x Basic Compiler homepage

What is TI8xBAS?

Many great assembly programs have been written for the TI8x calculators;
however, only a small portion of TI calculator owners know assembly and thus
only a small portion of TI calculator owners can make asm-quality programs.
The purpose of TI8xBAS is to put the power of assembly in an easy to use

TI8xBAS is a Windows 95 app that allows you to compile basic-style source
code into assembly code that can be run on the TI8x calculators (this
includes the TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86. The TI-81 is not supported
because it does not have a link port, and the TI-89 is not supported because
it uses a different processor than the other TI8x calculators). Many
computer users already know some form of basic, whether it be Basic, Quick
Basic, or Visual Basic. Those already skilled in basic should find TI8xBAS a

TI8xBAS comes packed with a large array of pre-made subs and functions that
the user can call to perform various tasks. Ontop of this, those who know
some Z80 assembly can add assembly subs and functions for their own use, or
to distribute to others.

My hope is that TI8xBAS will allow more people to make asm-quality programs,
and thus will increase the amount of software being produced for the

I'm currently looking for some people with experience coding Z80 ASM (for
the TI-82,TI-83,TI-85, or TI-86) to help make ASM Subs/Functions for the
compiler. If you fit this description and would like to help out, drop me a
note at lew@shaysnet.com