Re: A86: untokenize basic progs


Re: A86: untokenize basic progs

i was hoping you wouldn't ask that.

openning the edit buffer basically consists of expanding the var to take
up a ton of memory and setting a few pointers.  you have to close the
edit buffer again when you're done.

i'm not sure which of these you want to use, play with it a bit.  i think
the equ ones set up a few more pointers that are needed and call the
other ones, but i don't quite remember.

_setupEditEqu - open var and set up for editing
    var name in op1
    var open, edit buffer set up
    buffer at (end?) beginning/top
    all regs destroyed?

_closeEditEqu - close open edit buffer
    edit buffer
    bit 2,(iy+1) set
    buffer closed, var size fixed
    bit 2,(iy+1) reset
    all regs destroyed?

_EDITPROG - expand program
    ade -> start of program
    _PTEMP_END-_FREE_MEM = bytes to add
    bytes added at end of program
    _P_IMATHPTR1 = start of var (storage area :P)
    _P_IMATHPTR2 = original end of var (free space added here, update!!)
    _P_IMATHPTR3 = new end of var (byte after)
    _P_IMATHPTR4 = bytes after var (block moved size)
    all regs destroyed

_CLOSEPROG - collapse program
:    _P_IMATHPTR1 = ptr start of var storage area
    _P_IMATHPTR2 = original end of var (byte after end, update!!)
    _P_IMATHPTR3 = new end of var (byte after used)
    _P_IMATHPTR4 = bytes after var (block moved size)
    moved to _P_IMATHPTR2
    all regs destroyed?


On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 09:07:47 EST writes:
>In a message dated 12/11/99 1:16:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
>> i was trying to get this one to work so textedit would 
>>  detokenize basic progs, but i don't think i quite got it to work.  
>>  don't remember.  i also don't remember what i meant about 
>>  _detok - detokenize program
>>    input:
>>      edit buffer set up
>>    output:
>>      does not check if prog is already detoked - use _setEditDetok
>How would you go about setting the edit buffer up?
>Jonah Cohen

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