A86: I need help...
A86: I need help...
I am an absolute newbie asm programmer in every way, and I have written a
simple program so I can try to understand loops... It's supposed to display
string: five times, but it doesn't really work... Could someone offer any
advice? Thanks
#include "ti86asm.inc"
#include "asm86.h"
.org _asm_exec_ram
jp ProgStart
.dw 0
.dw ShellTitle
.db "Chris Remo's Program",0
_homeup EQU 4A95h ; 0 to curCol and 0 to curRow
call _clrLCD ; clears screen
call _homeup ; 0 to curCol and 0 to curRow
ld b,5 ; puts 5 in b register
ld a,0
subby_loop: ; my awesome loop
dec b ; decrements b
inc a ; increments a
ld (_curRow),a ; loads value of b into curRow
ld (_curCol),0 ; loads value of b into curCol
ld hl,string ; puts string in hl
call _puts ; displays string
call _getkey
jr nz,subby_loop ; continued until b is zero
ret ; return to shell or homescreen
.db "SHOULD show 5 times",0 ; creates string, terminated with 0