Re: A86: _exec_basic and _findAlphaUp


Re: A86: _exec_basic and _findAlphaUp

In a message dated 12/8/99 10:03:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I also have a routine in a shell I'm working on that builds a list of
>  all programs or strings on the calc.  It uses _findAlphaUP.  I wanted to
>  make it so it could detect programs normally by searching with
>  <$12,$08,"AAAAAAAA"> as a base (or should it just be one 'A'?), or
>  detect 'hidden' programs, ones that start with non-alpha characters,
>  like [sqrt]programs, by using <$12,$01,0> as a base.  But it produces
>  the same list both ways, and does not return [sqrt]KEY, which IS on the
>  calc.  Does _findAlphaUp totally ignore these 'hidden' variables, or is
>  there some flag I can set or some input I can give it to force it to
>  recognize them?  I really don't want to make a custom searcher, I'm
>  really hoping to make _findAlphaUp work.

_findAlphaUp only lists programs that would show up in the program menu.  
Thus hidden progs such as $ and sqrtKey progs won't show up.  You need to 
search the vat to find those.

Jonah Cohen