Re: A86:Variables


Re: A86:Variables

Eh it doesn't make any difference. Look at the for the following
_CREATE* routines and choose the one that suits you (most likely
_CREATESTRNG). If you want to have temporary vars and/or hidden ones, prefix
it with a character < 'A' (for example, '%')

 ld hl,Sample
 rst 20h
 ld hl,1234 ;let's have it be 1234 bytes long
 call _CREATESTRNG ;creates the string

 ; ...

 ld hl,Sample
 rst 20h
 rst 10h
 ; you should probably check the carry flag here for an error
 ld a,b
 ex de,hl
 call $521D ;DE = (AHL), AHL += 2
 ;AHL now points to data (read or write), DE is now the size of the str

 ; ...
 ld hl,Sample
 rst 20h
 rst 10h
 ; you should probably check the carry flag here for an error
 call _delvar ;deletes the variable

Sample = $ - 1
 .db 6,"sample" ;length of string, string name
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: A86:Variables

> what do you want to store in the variables?
