Re: A86: absolute address resolution
Re: A86: absolute address resolution
Are you aware that the rom call _load_ram_ahl will do exactly what your
routine tries to do?
In a message dated 12/5/99 21:42:28 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Does anyone see any obvious defects in this routine? I've tested it on
> the emulator in several programs, but the last few versions tested out
> ok too, until a week or so later when I discovered an error. But I
> think I've got it now. Apparently, until tonight, my concept of what
> paged memory meant wasn't quite what TI's concept was...
> Cassady Roop
> ;decodeABS decodes absolute address in ahl.
> ;by Cassady Roop
> ;input - AHL = absolute address, like that outputted by _findsym
> ;output - A = page
> ; HL = offset into page.
> decodeABS:
> cp 0 ;is a zero?
> ret z ;if so, hl is already a valid pointer
> dec a
> rlca ;*2
> rlca ;*4
> ld de, $4000 ;length of one page
> dABSloop:
> push hl ;save
> sbc hl, de ;hl=hl-de
> jr c, dABSdone ;if hl was less than $4000
> pop bc ;get rid of the value we saved
> inc a ;increment the page counter
> jr dABSloop ;reloop
> dABSdone:
> inc a ;page correction
> pop hl ;the last pushed value is the offset
> ret ;we are done
Jonah Cohen