Re: A86: locked cursor


Re: A86: locked cursor

In a message dated 12/4/99 20:44:28 Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I am trying to display the homescreen cursor but without having it
>  blink.  I want it updated with 2ND and ALPHA shift states, but I don't
>  want the darn thing blinking, because I am only using it as an
>  indicator, not a real cursor.  How do I go about doing this?  I've tried
>  all kinds of combinations of the curFlags bits, to no avail.

Just manually display it with _putc.

  ld hl,($c3e5+shiftFlags)  ;register l contains shift flags
  ld a,224  ;second
  bit shift2nd,l
  jr nz,dispcursor
  dec a     ;cursor
  bit shiftAlpha,l
  jr z,dispcursor
  ld a,225  ;uppercase
  bit shiftLwrAlpha,l
  jr z,dispcursor
  inc a     ;lowercase
  call _putc

Jonah Cohen