Re: A86: Key Presses


Re: A86: Key Presses

If you don't want to read more than one key "at the same time", using _getcsc 
(same as _getky or _get_key) is much easier than the ports.

  call _getcsc          ;get keypress in a
  cp K_PLUS
  jr z,ContrastUp
  cp K_MINUS
  jr z,ContrastDown
  cp K_EXIT
  jr nz,Waitkey

In a message dated 12/4/99 16:48:55 Eastern Standard Time, 

>     I'm a newbie at this and I'm having trouble reading multiple keypresses.
>  I am reading the presses by writing to port 1 and reading from port 1 and I
>  can read one key just fine, but I've heard that one can read more than one
>  key press with the ports, but I am unsure how to do this.  Is reading the
>  port the best way to do this or is _getky or _getkey better?  I'm trying to
>  let them press +, -, or exit.  Here's my code:
>  Getkeypress:
>      ld a,%01111101
>      out (1),a
>      nop
>      nop
>      in a,(1)
>      bit 1,a
>      jr nz, Getkeypress
>      After that code it goes on to something that will change the contrast
>  up, but I want to know how to make little routines for inc-ing the 
>  dec-ing the contrast, and ret-ing to the OS.
>      Am I making sense?

Jonah Cohen
