Re: A86: Displaying text


Re: A86: Displaying text

In a message dated 8/24/99 10:42:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

>  What would be the best way to go about displaying multiple lines of text.
>  Something like: 
>  ld b,Text ;number of lines to display
>  show:
>      inc hl ;now points to line of text
>      call _puts ;shows text on screen
>      call _newline
>      djnz show ;if all lines have been disp go back
>      ret
>  Text:
>      .db 3,"Welcome to TI","This is just a test line","So is this one",0 ; 
>  is the # of lines to be displayed
>  Doing it that way just seems to run the 3 lines together.  If I put a 
>  terminator (0) at the end of everyline to be displayed would that increase 
>  the size of the program?

yeah but only 1 byte per each zero

>  Thanks for your help.
>  --Joe
to display multipe line i use this trike type thing
sample code:
        ;123456789012345678901   21 spaces on the 86 count as you type
     .db "hello how are you...       "
     .db "another line.................. "
       .db "yet another line.............",0
    call _homeup
    ld hl,string
    call _puts

this lets you see how the text will fit on the 86 
but it does waste some space for all the extra .dbs
later matt