A86: FF7 -- what happened to it
A86: FF7 -- what happened to it
I'm the one co-authoring the game... The other guy is not on any lists... so
I guess you could say that you were lucky (almost) that I am on here. (unless
there's another one out there by another person).
Here's the scoop:
The game was originally written in 86-basic (not for the 85)
and totaled out (isn't even finished in basic yet) at over 65k. That's just
huge. So I was going to translate it into ASM. (Reason why I joined the
list). At about the same point in time; the other guy (Alan) decided to tell
people about it; and said that he'd post it on the web around Christmas...
But in reality It was going to take me longer than to learn ASM than the
month he expected me to do it in. (That ticked me off; cause he won't even
learn the first thing to ASM and he expected me to do ALL of the work, and
still have my name come second).
Beyond all of that... we changed the name from FF7 to FFTI
(we didn't want everyone to be totally confused :) )
Meanwhile I've been trying to find a sprite routine that I
like (so that I can do the opening scene that everyone seems to like so much)
and I haven't found one; nor have I had the time to sit down and write the
perfect one.
Also, Alan dropped his calculator, wouldn't send it in to get
fixed, and is having to deal with part of his screen not there.
So if anyone is interested in having the basic game (not
completed but mostly there); email with a request for it... but remember it's
a large one (as far as space goes); so much other stuff on your calc. is not
going to happen.
So in conclusion... look for it sometime... I should have lots of
time this August... and maybe at other points soon.