Re: A86: Hiding Programs


Re: A86: Hiding Programs

>If the first character of a program is less than 'A',
>then it is not detected by any shells or the os.  To
>hide a program like this, use this routine (it isn't
> ld hl,progname-1
> rst 20h
> rst 10h

call _FINDSYM returns the pointer to the absolute address in bde, not ahl...
so first, you'd have to do:
ex hl,de
ld a,b
to get the pointer into ahl...

> ld de,6

I'm not sure how many type bytes there are in a program variable at the
moment... so I'm guessing this is correct...

> add hl,de    ;point hl to first character in VAT
> ld (hl),0

   ret =)
JBrett -
ICQ UIN: 20607010
AIM: BarwickBJ
ACZ member -