A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #872


A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #872

i've already have one in the makings which is thoroughly detailed.  it is
based on usgard but since i stopped programming on my ti85 and got a ti86,
i'm going to port it to asm studio specifics in the near future.  the asm86
list doesn't allow attachements, so if you want a copy, email me personally
and i'll send you a copy in the works and put you on a list to a personal
copy of the final version.


>Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 18:50:44 EDT
>From: BlAsTo1414@aol.com
>Subject: Re: A86: Re: Re: Assembly
>how about one that is aimed at people who know ti-basic?  that would be
>easier b/c you could have certian asm funtions funtions supported by basic
>functions.  (i.e. [ld  hl,title][call puts] would be represented by a basic
>Disp Variablename)    depending on how many people are wanting to program
>games, someone could write one aimed at game programmers who know ti-basic.
>any others input on this one?
><< Would a very basic tutorial for Assembly Studio 86 aimed at people who
> no programming help? >>
