Re: A86: Displaying Text
Re: A86: Displaying Text
_penCol is first for the small font
_curRow is first for the large font
keep in mind that $a0 is 160, not 10 ;)
so $a006 would be at (6,160)
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:49:30 -0600 "Richins" <> writes:
>That is not exactly what I mean. I want to be able to place the text
>place on the screen. My string (.db 10,10,"Hello",0) will be placed
>the routine I originally had) at (10,10). This allows me to place it
>anywhere like (40,2) or (100,6), etc. I believe that _penCol and
>are right next to each other, but which one is first, and when I place
>number in for hl like:
>ld hl,$A0A0 ;10=x,10=y
>ld (_penCol),hl ;if hl is first
>Does it put the numbers in backwards. Meaning if hl was $A006 will it
>placed as 10,6 or 6,10.
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