Re: A86: Re: Re: Assembly
Re: A86: Re: Re: Assembly
To: <>
Subject: Re: A86: Re: Re: Assembly
From: "Jarrod" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 19:48:35 -0400
Comments: SoVerNet Verification (on default from [] Tue, 20 Apr 1999 19:50:30 -0400 (EDT)
are you suggesting a tutorial which relates ti-basic to asm or an include file
which does the same?
maybe both?
anyone up for the probably simple task?
in fact, i was thinking about something like this, except mine was a little
different. I was thinking about making a scripting language which can be
translated fairly simply to asm and then compiled that way. So in essence, one
would be creating a sort of new many-to-one language which can be translated to
asm. I could help out with the script (i am afraid i am not nearly an expert on
z80 asm :( ) and i can write a win9x program (or a perl program, if someone
would want to have it on the web too, or for *nix users) which would interpret
the commands and then output asm, or i supposed i could even compile it within
the program too, or whatever, i am just spouting out ideas.
i think this would be fun and useful, even asm junkies could use it for the core
of a program and then optimise the code later.
- Jarrod Overson
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: A86: Re: Re: Assembly
>how about one that is aimed at people who know ti-basic? that would be
>easier b/c you could have certian asm funtions funtions supported by basic
>functions. (i.e. [ld hl,title][call puts] would be represented by a basic
>Disp Variablename) depending on how many people are wanting to program
>games, someone could write one aimed at game programmers who know ti-basic.
>any others input on this one?
><< Would a very basic tutorial for Assembly Studio 86 aimed at people who know
> no programming help? >>